News Updates: last operations timeline

News from the Z23MD on the last operations before leaving Zimbabwe. 18.00z – 19.00z     Final dinner with the whole crew for organizing the dismantling operations. All the transmitters will be QRT 19.00z – 4.00 z     Will be active: 2 op. in CW, 1 op. in FT8, 1 op. in SSB 4.00z      The last antennas will be dismantled 09.00z     Leaving for the airport 13.30z     Departure time from Zimbabwe

Breaking news 5/Nov/2018

Due to a new sudden blackout occurred yesterday night, the activity on 160m in FT8 is postponed for today 5/Nov from 21.00z. Meanwhile Z23MD is actually on air in FT8 on high bands and will be active all day long, as announced.

News Update 01/Nov/2018

From the Z23MD crew: Problems with our internet connection go on. No all PC can be live online due to the modem-router limitations. Furthermore the 5 GHz signal from the cellular repeater comes and goes. Anyway we update the log every day and, if possible, two times a day. If you don’t find your QSO in the log, please wait at least 24 hours before writing us. TNX for understanding us.

Breaking News: Unexpected Internet Break

Due to an unexpected internet break the Z23MD location is actually unable to send news and log updates. The issue will be fixed in the next few hours, as local company said. However if the issue will go on beyond the scheduled times, the log will be evenly updated from an external internet point.


we inform the contest community, that we will be active during the cqww ssb 27-28 October, we do not know yet in which category, but we will be present to give the multiplier to everyone. we feel on air 59/38


Well, we are on the countdown now with our Dxpedition to Zimbabwe. We will be posting more information over the next few weeks as the Team come together in preparation for the event. Keep an eye on our website and Facebook pages for updates as we near our departure date. for the team,  73’s M0OXO P.R.