QSL policy

Manager for direct/bureau/OQRS cards:

IZ8CCW – Antonio Cannataro
Via don Minzoni,18
87040 Marano MArchesato (CS)


We will upload LOTW contacts during the expedition for all €15 contributors.

Manager’s Requirements:

QSL via old style, direct mode :

3 US$ for Europe 
4 US$ outside of Europe
5 US$ VK-ZL Pacific Area

QSL via OQRS, Please read QSL-Policy first. For direct requests donation by PayPal is:

  • € 2,00 only LOTW at the and of Dx-pedition, not paper qsl
  • € 3,00  for Europe LOTW + QSL
  • € 4,00  for outside Europe LOTW + QSL
  • € 5,00 Pacific Area LOTW + QSL
  • to my address : iz8ccw@mdxc.org
  • thanks.                                                                                                                        

QSLs received without these requirements for direct return will processed via the bureau.