DXpedition Yemen 2024

12/02/2024 @12z QRT, with more of 27k qso, thanks to all!, see you in next adventure 73’s OK2WX

Vlad OK2WX will be active from Socotra island, Yemen as 7O2WX during January 25 to February 12, 2024. Focus on low bands (160, 80 and 40m). Equipment: Elecraft K4, Icom 7300 + PA Expert 1K3. Monoband verticals for 160 and 80, Steppir CrankIR vertical and 3 el.YAGI Spiderbeam 6 band for HF. A log will be available online. Participation in the CQ 160m DX Contest CW. QSL via IZ8CCW

CQ zone: 37
Continent: AS
Primary prefix: 7O


  1. DX COUNTRY avatar


    Vláďo best DX, best Trip /73 OK1DOT

    1. Sil avatar


      Tnx Vlad, for QSO very easy to work you big sigs here!
      Best 73, de I1WSM

  2. Gary Reeb avatar

    Gary Reeb

    Greetings. I need one more country to get on the ARRL DXCC honor roll. I have 330 and need 331 ! The last dxpeditions to Yemen used FT-8 most of the time. I do not do FT-8. Yemen is an all time new country for me !! I really need you to try CW to the west coast of USA. I am in Arizona and I am not sure when is the best time for contacts between our 2 locations. Like I said , most times the last stations were on FT-8 so much and if they were on CW it was night here and bands were closed. So , if you could someway try Arizona on CW and at least give me a shot at a new country !! Tnx es 73 , Gary – WØBF state of Arizona , USA.

  3. Gary Tillman avatar

    Gary Tillman

    Hello Vlad: We hope that you get on 20,17, & 12 meters ssb. Have a get time in the pile ups ssb……thanks….& I surely hope the sun spots open up the bands……Good luck…..73’s Gary (K6RNK)

  4. tardy fernand avatar

    tardy fernand

    hello Vlad,
    160, 80, 10m CW .3bands that interest me for my DXCC Challenge. I’m thinking of meeting Vlad!!!
    F5LVL Fernand

  5. Al Bailey avatar

    Al Bailey

    Greetings Vlad,
    Well I need one more for DXCC Challenge. I am currently sitting at 2999 and waiting on one I need that I can hear. 🙂 You can bet I’ll be there and hope to work you in the 160 DX Contest as well. 73 and best wishes for 2024

  6. Pierre avatar


    Any plan for 6 meters band ?

    1. admin avatar

      no 6 mt. sorry

  7. Andrew avatar


    How can you go to Yemen in the middle of a conflict? I am a keen hunter of DXCC but putting yourself and possibly others that maybe required to repatriate you seems a bit foolish when after all AR is a hobby.

  8. Vlad OK2WX avatar

    Vlad OK2WX

    Thank you, Andrew, for your comment. Socotra is 620 nautical miles off the coast of Yemen and there is no war going on there. Believe me, none of us want to take any more risks than necessary. I may be more afraid of flying a Boeing MAX-9….

    1. James T. Lee avatar

      You can say that again regarding the MAX-9 (?) model of 737.

  9. David avatar


    See you on the LOW BANDS Vlad
    Have a wonderful DX time
    73 David VK3EW

    1. Vlad OK2WX avatar

      Vlad OK2WX

      Hi David, I hope to be today evening after 1500Z on 1815 Khz.

      1. David avatar


        Hi Vlad its 80mx cw or ft8 I need so ill try around 1500z (2am my time)
        look out for vk please as im sure a few will be also looking for you
        Again Tnx for the reply
        Regards David VK3EW

  10. steve baughn avatar

    steve baughn

    Hi Vlad,
    Good luck on the Dxpedition. I need Yemen also but do not use FT-8 so am hoping to catch you on cw or ssb. Located in Ohio so will keep our fingers crossed!

    73, Steve, WD8NPL

  11. Kent K9EZ avatar

    Kent K9EZ

    Hope to catch you on CW! Thank you!

  12. Jim Kinney avatar

    Jim Kinney

    TU Vlad for the ATNO. that makes DXCC #306.

    73, Jim AF6PK

  13. Bruno Beckers avatar

    Bruno Beckers

    All those frequency and band beggers, unbelievable.
    Do your thing, Vlad.
    We’ll try to catch you.

    Thanks for going there!


    1. Mark avatar


      What about 80 and 160 activity?
      Any info about planned dates?

  14. Vlad OK2WX avatar

    Vlad OK2WX

    Vertical antenna 18 m Spiderbeam on 160 m ready, beverage stretched. Unless something exceptional happens, I will be CW in the contest after 1500Z on 1815 Khz.

  15. John avatar


    Hi Vlad
    If you work me, G3UCQ, you will have worked ex-VS9SJF (Dec. 1964 to Feb. 1965) Where are you operating from? Hadibo or Diksam?
    Good luck and enjoy Socotra. 73
    John, G3UCQ

  16. Gerhard, OE6TGD avatar

    Gerhard, OE6TGD

    Good luck and tnx for activity. After two ufb weeks I left Socotra on same plane one week before you arrived. My company was “Toursocotra”. We spent one night abt 1 km east of your QTH…

    @Andrew: Socotra has nothing to do with the “mainland” – absolutely save and extreme friendly and helpfull people.

    Gerhard, OE6TGD

  17. Eric Morton avatar

    Eric Morton

    I see the band plan has a set for ssb but when looking on your log I don’t see any contacts via this mode. Is this mode going to become available later or is it going to be digital or cw? Kind regards and 73

    1. admin avatar

      give time to finish to install Antenna system.. and sure you have mode to working Vla din SSB

  18. Nick avatar


    Thank you Vlad, you are such a fine operator and a gentleman.
    73 Nick VK9DX

    1. Robert avatar


      Hello Nick
      Thanks 40m qso cw
      73 du7et

  19. Robert avatar


    Looking for you on 160m !
    Will be first 7O to DU qso on 160m
    73 de DU7ET

  20. Hamed Alshuwaie avatar

    Hamed Alshuwaie

    Thank you for nice QSO.
    Hamed Alshuwaie, 9K2HS & A65HS.

  21. Eddy avatar



    Very good op


  22. Ilya avatar


    please direct the antenna to the Asian part of Russia

  23. Martin avatar


    Hello Vlad when QRV on 160M ? 73

  24. Eugene UA6EX 73! avatar

    Eugene UA6EX 73!

    Hello, Vlad.
    I will be waiting for you today,
    February 01, from 21-00 on 160m in the cw.
    Are you planning today?

  25. Peter avatar


    Good expedition…but there were already 2 other expeditions there in November with thousands of FT8 QSOs…all on shortwave but no one on 6m. Unfortunately another missed opportunity…in any case – good luck
    73 de EA5GVH

  26. Gerard DEBELLE avatar

    Gerard DEBELLE

    Hello Vlad.

    Good luck in Yemen, and many DX…
    I remember my DXpedition in auguste 1990.
    I was 7O8AA…
    73’s Gerard / F2VX

  27. Garrett (Gary) Kennedy avatar

    Garrett (Gary) Kennedy

    Sorry for repetition’s Vlad – I believe we made contact on 14.015CW but there were stations keying up on your tx frequency which made it very difficult to hear your reply … 73 de Gary EI4IZB

  28. Alex avatar


    Hello Vlad
    Please 160 CW during the weekend
    Alex IZ0CKJ

  29. Petr avatar


    Hi Vlado.
    Thank you for FB QSO on 160m.
    Best sigs and best traffic.

    Enjoy pile up, GL
    AHOJ Petr OK1DOT

  30. Koji avatar


    good signal in JA evryday 26:00U-22:30U
    I calling

  31. Koji avatar


    heard JA

    1. mack avatar


      7O2WX 0508Z 1815.0 01/02/2024 QRV PIRATE OK2WX

      is this true?

        1. mack avatar


          Thank you for your answer

  32. mack avatar


    1815.0 01/02/2024 QRV PIRATE

    is this true?

    1. Vlad OK2WX avatar

      Vlad OK2WX

      no, I was on 1815 and made lot of QSO

      1. mack avatar


        Thank you for your answer

      2. Kon avatar

        Hello Vlad, I am Kon, Thank you for your nice QRN.
        Could you Please a favor.
        Difficult 160-CW propagation is at 16:00Z for JA’s
        There are alredy no-days left !
        I look forward to you 73.

  33. ok2bmi milan avatar

    ok2bmi milan

    ahojky Vldo moc te zdravim prosim te nezalogoval jsi moji znacku ok2unc odpovidal jsi mi na ok2 bmi a ok2old a take na ok2unc ale nejsem v logu podivej se na to dekuji mian ok2bmi.preji mnoho qso a jde ti to vynikjice tak jen tak dale pekne pielupe ahojky

  34. Bob N4XU avatar

    Bob N4XU

    TU for 160 QSO – good ears!

  35. mack avatar


    Pse CQ JA at 21~22UTC on 160mcw
    160m cw new one for me !

  36. Vagn Jensen OZ1OXQ avatar

    Vagn Jensen OZ1OXQ

    Hi DX exp.
    A good friend of mine = Verner//OZ9XU told me the stalker was qrv on same qrg like u. It was 03-02-2024 on 18076.0 kc/s. My callsign OZ1OXQ has in many years been misused, ever on same qrg a DX or DX exp. uses. OZ9XU made a spot.
    I am sorry, I was able to read the stalker on 18076, he was 529 here in my RX.
    I heard a lot of takers to OZ1OXQ. Look on my qrz.com page.
    Good luck in ur DX work.
    BTW: T U for my qso´s with u from different DX entities.
    VY 73


  37. Brian Upton avatar

    Brian Upton

    Will look for you on 40 & 80..

    Brian VE1RF

    1. Vlad OK2WX avatar

      Vlad OK2WX

      Only 40 in this moment, on 80 just antenna problem

      1. Wolf avatar

        “Only 40 in this moment, on 80 just antenna problem”

        Hello Vlad, I hope you can fix it. Looking for 80m CW every day

        GL and enjoy your stay!!!

        73 Wolf

  38. Joel Harrison avatar

    Joel Harrison

    Greetings Vlad. Lots of midwest USA hoping to work you on 160 meters and have been standing by each night on 1815 during prime USA time from 2345z to your sunrise. GL and lsning for you

  39. MARTIN avatar


    Hello,why no focus on lowbands? Pse 160m FT8

  40. Charlie Kahwagi avatar

    Charlie Kahwagi

    Can you please look for east coast VK on 160m FT8 or CW before our sunrise. You were very strong into VK3 on 160m FT8 but no time to QSO… Is it possible to be QRV 1900 – 2000z please ?

    1. Vlad OK2WX avatar

      Vlad OK2WX

      I try today

    2. Mr Magoo avatar

      Mr Magoo

      Im afraid it will have to be another dxpedition we are on he is not
      i know alot of vk and ZL need him on 80 cw or digital

  41. Joel W5ZN avatar

    Joel W5ZN

    Vlad please do NOT use 1830 (or 1810, 1820) for USA. We have broadcast band hetrodynes on those frequencies and can’t hear you

  42. Juan Carlos avatar

    Juan Carlos

    Hello . I’m QRV on 40 meters trying practise the art of dxing .
    73 Juan Carlos

  43. Joel W5ZN avatar

    Joel W5ZN

    Vlad tnx for the extended time on 160 tonight for USA. Your signal was decent into the midwest and midsouth. I heard you come back to me with W5?? a couple times but just couldn’t complete so hoping you’ll be back tomorrow night for an extended USA time. Several W5’s hearing you and calling. 73 and tnx.

  44. SM6LRR avatar


    Thanks a lot for the first QSOs this morning. I first worked you on 40 CW, and then saw you QSO to 160 CW. With my very simple 160 meter horizontal loop for 160 at only 10 meters, I never expected to hear you. However, your good ears were very helpful and you heard me on my second call 🙂 Great effort!

  45. SM6LRR avatar


    I forgot to say, I worked you remotely from my Indonesia (Jakarta downtown) location using RemoteRig boxes through my Swedish remote station. Exciting 🙂

  46. Larry K5RK avatar

    Larry K5RK

    Vlad…. Thanks for spending time on 160m for NA tonight. Several of us in W5-land still looking for you and we very much appreciate the time you spent on the band tonight. We’ll be back tomorrow!

  47. Vítek OK2ZV avatar

    Vítek OK2ZV

    Vládo díky za new one na 160m,
    73 at se daří

  48. Akihito Taga, JR0AMD avatar

    Akihito Taga, JR0AMD

    de JR0AMD
    Hello Dear Vlad!!

    I’m Akihito Taga.Callsign is JR0AMD,
    Nice to meet you.so,Please forgive sudden comment,

    As I wrote in my personal email, I would like you to
    mainly operate FT8 at 21.095 this weekend.

    If possible, Please come during the opening hours in Japan at 15m FT8. (Maybe 04Z to 06Z)

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

  49. BORIS ISPIR avatar

    73 Boris

  50. Vlad OK2WX avatar

    Vlad OK2WX

    Hi Akihito, I will be QRV 15 FT8 morning at 0400Z for you.

    73 gl

    1. Akihito Taga, JR0AMD avatar

      Akihito Taga, JR0AMD

      Hello Dear Vlad!!
      Thanks for reply your comment…

      Regarding the DX cluster, a report was uploaded from Japan on FT8 at 21.095 on 13Z, but as you can see from my QRZ.com page, the antenna equipment is poor and the height is low, and the current is fixed in the direction of a Europe long path, not a short path.

      When I can contact you depends on the condition. But don’t give up and check FT8 at 21.095 from 04Z to 06Z and 13Z. I look forward to working with you.

      By the way, For reference, my QRZ.com page is as follows. Please take a look…


      73 Akihito JR0AMD

  51. ron v daal avatar

    ron v daal

    Hi DXteam, I have a question, is there something wrong with your logbook, I worked with you on 20m on 8-2-2024
    162300 ~ PD1RVD RR73; F6DYY but I am not in log 73

  52. Joel W5ZN avatar

    Joel W5ZN

    Greetings Vlad. Tnx for you work and effort from 7O. Several midwest and midsouth stations, especailly in W5, still hoping to wrk you on 160. We are hearing you. Condx were very gud tonight from EU but we missed you.

    Will be looking for you Friday from 2345z (our sunset) until your sunrise around 0250z Saturday. GL es DX and hope to wrk you on 160.

  53. Al avatar



    Thanks so very much for your efforts on 160 . Here in Texas propagatIon is challenging to 7O. We appreciate your efforts and will listen nightly 0000Z-your sunrise in hopes propagation Gods smile.

    73 and Ahoj,
    Al, W5IZ

  54. Mark avatar


    Vlad any 80m activity during expedition before end?

    1. Vlad OK2WX avatar

      Vlad OK2WX

      no, as mentioned Steppir can’t work with longer coax cable than about 10 on 80 m, therefore I gave up 80 m band, sri
      I am every night on 160 and 40 m

  55. Akihito Taga,JR0AMD avatar

    Akihito Taga,JR0AMD

    de JR0AMD
    Hello Dear Vlad!!

    I’m Akihito Taga.Callsign is JR0AMD,
    Nice to meet you.so,Please forgive sudden comment again again,

    I was waiting for you at 21.095 FT8 from 04Z today, but it seems like you didn’t show up.

    I only have a chance tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so please be sure to operate at 21.095. Thank you.

  56. Akihito Taga,JR0AMD avatar

    Akihito Taga,JR0AMD

    Hello Vlad, One more comment for you…

    This weekend is an RTTY contest, and I think 21.095 is QRM,
    so 24.922 is fine if you want. 24MHz also has no contact in Yemen.

    73 Akihito JR0AMD

  57. Gerald VE2ACP avatar

    Gerald VE2ACP

    Yes I will be very happy to work you on 12M ssb or CW but I did not see you on CW on any bands , I see many eu station calling you but you must listen for North America also. I want you on my log on 40M also on CW.
    Good luck and hpe see you during the week-end

  58. Al Baker avatar

    Al Baker


    Thanks a million for your 160 focus. Glad prop gods smiled and we made it 11 Feb on 160 for entity 310, all from my horse farm in north Texas. Safe travels.

    Ahoj Al, W5IZ

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