06/03/2023 QRT 9U5R. Elvira achieved great result of 32 t QSOs, 5 t of them CW and SSB. During the whole expedition 9U5R & 9U4WX made over 60 000 QSOs. 16 000 of them CW and SSB.
01/03/2023 @05:42z, 9U4WX went QRT. After lots of complications and costs, Elvira and I managed to get 3 transceivers and 6 antennas into the country. 9U4WX made almost 28K QSOs (11K unique) on CW and SSB. 146 DXCCs and 6 continents, 34 CQ Zones and 41 ITU Zones achieved. With 100 watts it was very hard to be heard well, especially on the low bands. Still, 600 QSOs were made on 80 meters. Listening opportunities were limited and difficult made by very strong atmospheric QRN disturbances with frequent bursts.
Elvira 9U5R will work 1 more week of SSB, CW and FT8 due to equipment seizure the first 2 weeks in Burundi. She will attempt to activate 6m if conditions are right. Thanks to all partners for financial, technical and diplomatic support without which we would not be able to work from Burundi.
Vlad 9U4WX & OK2WX
16/02/2023 please not asking to operator or manager to upload log on Qrz.com, club log, eqsl etc. We have only our system for log search ( connected direct with pc of operator) and LOTW for confirm, all qso came on lotw after dxpedition. LoTw is the only system where no one can upload pirated QSO and we can only guarantee in LoTw that these QSOs are true……
11/02/2023 @12:12 period of many pirates on air, we inform you that the only way to verify that the station you are connecting is real is through the online log, being in real time if you find your QSO then you have worked the real station, otherwise we are sorry but 90% is a fake!
08/02/2023 @12:51utc, our spdierbeam 5 bands is up, now lunch and ON AIR. se eyou in pile-up

07/02/2023 tonight a lot of wind and water, luckily the antennas held up without sustaining any damage. now we have started the installation of the spiderbeam, we hope to finish by today

05/02/2023 today many job, one bog is install, vertical of 80mt is at 90%….

04/02/2023 “9U4WX & 9U5R use MSHV no automatic for FT8 “
04/02/2023 Vlad 9U4WX & Elvira 9U5R working to install antenna farm, yesterday night 400 qso on 30mt ft8 !!!

03/02/2023 Today the cases with transceivers arrived and we managed to hang up the dipole on 30 m. We were delayed by a hippo that lay down near our place. One of the biggest killers in Africa. A few minutes after midnight, Vlad 9U4WX started operating FT8 on 10.131. Tomorrow we continue building antennas. I hope to be on other bands soon.
02/02/2023 Unfortunately, even after today, the equipments was not released from the local customs authority OBR. We will be about 1 day late and will start our activity on Sunday, February 5.
ATTENTION the spot at moment n 18mhz SSB is a fake.
01/02/2023 at 21:00 arrive to Club du Luc Resort
31/01/2023 at the airport Vienna, late night check-in before departure to Brussels

30/01/2023 Band Plan online:

25/01/2023 antennas arrived in Bujumbura today
21/01/2023 We are happy to announce that 9U4WX will be valid for the 2023 edition of the Dx Pedition Trophy!
16/01/2023 the packing of the antennas was completed at the weekend. On Wednesday they will go by air to the final destination.